Monday, 10 June 2013

In the beginning

Sadly in early March, Jay's mum Ruth passed away. She will be very much missed.

Ruth wanted us to have her house and was adamant that we should make it our own. What do you expect, she's from Yorkshire.

After some soul searching and quite a few discussions. We decided to go for it. The alternative was to sell up and move out of the area, as we couldn't stand the thought of Jay's childhood home, being changed in front of us.

The house a 2, originally 3, bed semi. Approximately a hundred years old. Overlooking allotments and fields, to the rear. Decent sized garden and a great deal of potential.

Our plans

1) To knock through the kitchen and back room, along with a rear, fill in the gap extension. To make a large kitchen room with comfy seating at one end. Essentially a day room. And a room Jay can cook in. She likes to cook and is looking forward to a decent amount of space.
2) Turn the front room into a proper comfy room, hopefully with a log burner, for those cold winter nights.
3) Split the front bedroom back into two rooms. The easiest part of the whole plane.
4) Convert the loft to a master bedroom, with a bathroom. No idea how big it's going to be, but it should be plenty large enough.

Architects have been. Thoughts have been had and measurements taken. So waiting for architects to come back. Then onwards and upwards.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! This could be our original house! We have now added a kitchen extension, a downstairs loo and a loft extension, still the house isn't bliddy big enough! prob cos of those 2 pesky kids we've got! lol

    I really hope the transition goes/has gone continues to go well for Jay. Big love. xxx
