Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Two is better than one

John, a local school caretaker, is a good man to know. If you want a job doing with wood, he's your man. He can build it. He can also destroy it. He has a chainsaw. I'm a little jealous.

Anyway, decided to ask him to lower our hedge by a foot. Basically haven't kept it under strict control.

Don't panic. We had a change of plan. For maintenance purposes, when it's rented, a fence on the wall would be easier. Also makes the garden 3 foot wider.

And for similar reasons, the hawthorn at the bottom of mum's had to go. No one likes to maintain a hawthorn, unless of course their a bit of a masochist. And we can both say OUCH! After an afternoon of chopping.

So what do you do with two hedges? As you can see, some logs in the background, from ours, for when we get the log burner. Three trips to the tip, with a fully laden truck. It was the nice pair. No ticket required, it's down to their discretion. They helped me unload and they tidied up afterwards. Really must find out their shift pattern.

It's garden wheelie bin day, tomorrow.

That's ours. And 3 neighbours, they've kindly let us fill. Also mum's up the road. Across the road, Keith has put his out, probably fairly empty, so later I'll be out sneaking the last three bags into that or any other bin I can find.

About two thirds of the hawthorn to go, expecting a lot more scratches.

Next major change is the sycamore, it's going to go. Not me! Or John! It's 70 foot tall! Quotes have been asked for. This will make a massive change to the light in our garden and 5 or 6 other houses. I'm tempted to ask if they wish to donate, after all, we're doing it for them.

Watch this space.

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