Ok, so we did say we wanted lots of light in the loft conversion, but this may be a step too far!
As you can probably guess, from the picture - looking up from the current master bedroom - things have definitely started moving.
We had a few days away last week, and had a call from the builder asking if the door between the house and conservatory was locked. We told him it was, which was just as well, as they were in the process of breaking into the conservatory to put scaffolding legs straight through the roof!
The chimney and chimney breast has been removed all the way through the house, all the upstairs ceilings have been removed so they can be lowered to create more head height in what will become the master suite in the loft, and they're currently removing the roof so it can be felted and replaced. We seem to be steaming ahead.
I've said all along that I was glad we didn't have to live in the house while it was being renovated, but I've never been as glad as today when Lee - our builder - told us that without doubt the two messiest jobs you could have done were to remove a chimney breast and lower a ceiling - and we've done both!
There's no mevement on the extensions yet as he's still working on another job, but the joiners are going full steam ahead with the loft, and as soon as Lee finishes up, he'll move to ours full time. In the meantime he has some of his workers moving between the two projects to try and keep ours going.
We finally feel like we're getting somewhere!