The second floor (apart from the bathroom which isn't started yet) needs the new windows to go in, and the window walls in the three bedrooms need to be plastered after they've gone in, but other than that they're almost done too!
The extensions are finally going up, and now they're started, they're going up fast! The builder reckons he'll be on to the roof of the first one by next week, weather permitting, then it won't be long before the steels go in, and old walls come down at which time we'll really be able to see the size of the new kitchen. It's one thing seeing the plans on paper, but I can't wait to actually stand in there!

We also had the survey from the woodburning stove people this week. The chimney needs lining - which we knew already due to the age of the house, but we also need a steel lintel as there are a few cracked bricks over the fireplace, which we weren't expecting. Luckily Lee, the builder was there when I had the meeting (Al was off galivanting in York for the afternoon) and he's able to fit and supply the lintel, as well as rendering the fireplace. I have told him there's no rush - it doesn't matter if the stove is one of the last things to go in. I'm more interested in seeing the size of the back room!
Exciting times :)
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