Friday, 23 May 2014

Feeling Flush

Not with cash, sadly - we're almost spent up, or we will be after we've had the garden landscaped, and bought some new furniture, but we do have what seems like the most luxurious thing ever. After many months without one, we have a flushing toilet! Del the plumber was in for two days this week, and although he still has quite a bit to do, he's finished the main house bathroom, and I love it!

As well as the aforementioned toilet, we also have a gorgeous dark wood vanity unit, with a beautiful basin, and my pride and joy, a double ended bath. No taps, which I admit looks a little odd at first! The bath fills through the overflow at the side, and the valves on the wall next to the shower operate the temperature as well as diverting the water flow between the shower and the bath. Although we've had it all tiled with a ledge to rest my cuppa on when I'm having a soak, we do have a clever removeable panel at the side should we ever have need to access the workings.

There's a folding shower screen still to be fitted, but the shower and towel rail are up, and the room's fully tiled. It's light and bright, with some fabulous wood effect tiles on the floor. They really do look like planks of wood, and I really love the effect they give.

Back in February I posted that I hoped we got as good a finish in the house bathroom as we'd achieved in the en suite, and honestly, I think we've exceeded that! Nothing in there cost a fortune - most of the fixtures and fittings were bought at a discount online, but by choosing carefully, and spending a bit more where it really shows, such as the floor tiles, I think we've managed a really luxurious feel.

Can't wait for the first soak in that bath - I feel I'm earning it at the moment!

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